We got to have 2 Thanksgivings because my parents are so good to have it on a different day so we don't have to try to be in 2 places in the same day.
Thanksgiving with Nolan's parents was on Thursday. I decided to try to make homemade pumpkin pie from scratch with fresh pumpkin! I started to work on the pumpkins on Monday, and was finally done with the pie on Wednesday. I really blame Nolan for this because it was really his idea, but I decided to go along with it because my dad grew pumpkins in his garden this year, so it's not like I had to go and buy pumpkins especially for this. The pie actually turned out pretty good, but it wasn't any better than the canned stuff so I probably won't bother next time. I also made another dessert that had cream cheese and chocolate pudding. It turned out though that Nolan's mom made a very similar dessert! So at his parent's house we had two pumpkin pies and two chocolate cream cheese dessert. Dinner was around 2pm, and NOlan only ate 1 plate of food. But as the night went on I actually had dessert 3 times! We had a lot of fun with Nolan's family and Iliana is certainly spoiled with attention whenever we are over there.
Thanksgiving with my parents was on Sunday. We didn't eat until around 6pm because we had to wait until everyone was out of church. My dad likes to make a lot of food, so he did his traditional 3 turkeys. We also tried to do a sit-down dinner with all of us! It worked out ok. Of course we also had to have many martinellis to satisfy everyone's sparkling cider thirst. I had made a chocolate truffle pie, and orange glazed beets. And Iliana got to wear her new Christmas dress. Hanging out with my family was a lot of fun.
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