Monday, June 7, 2010

OLiver at one year

Oliver had his one year appointment today. He got 5 shots, and also had blood drawn. By the end he was not a happy camper. I also had a prenatal appointment. We were at the hospital for 2 1/2 hours. Wait time: 1 1/2 hours, and not at the lab, but for the appointments that we already had scheduled! But we got through it and here are his stats:

weight: 24lb 2oz (61%)
height: 31 3/4in (89%)
head size: 18.5 in (60%)

Oliver is a great walker, and jabbers all the time! The words we've word him say so far are, "up, and mommy." He loves to tackle daddy whenever he lays on the floor, and is so ticklish. He loves to dance to music, and of course still loves food!

Tummy baby is doing fine with a good heartbeat. Since there was no ultrasound today, I wasn't tempted to find out what we were having. It's still a surprise! I'm almost up to the same weight as when I got pregnant.

That's all!