Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Oliver is 2!

My little man turned 2 a little bit ago, and I just want to talk about him. At his Dr. appt. here are his stats:
Weight: 30lb 6.8 oz (78%)
Height: 2'11.75" (84%)

Here is what he is doing:
-Can say 2-3 word phrases.
-Can pick up on a word after only hearing 1 or 2 times
- Can understand when I tell him to throw something in the trash or sink
- Wants candy or chocolate all the time and asks for with words.
- Favorite drinks are apple juice and milk.
- Favorite fruit is apples
- Favorite cartoons are Elmo and Spongebob
- Favorite animals are any that say Roar.
- Favorite activity is reading books.
- Favorite playground activity: swings
- Favorite place: outside
- Can climb out of his crib, so we switched to a toddler bed.
- Can climb ladders (scary!)
- Favorite food: fruit snacks
- Loves his cousin Sam
- Can recognize Mommy's and Daddy's clothes.
-Calls me Mama, and Nolan Daddy
- Will not fall asleep until 11pm.
I love my little man, but he sure does try my patience.

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